Call for Workshop Proposals
The 28th WPMC2025 will be held at Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, during 09-12 November 2025. The Theme of symposium is ” Shaping the 6G Empowered Future: Where Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing, and Digital Twins Unlock Prosperity,” the conference will offer our full days of original paper presentations, tutorials, workshops, industry program with keynotes and panels from prominent research, industry and government leaders and technological exhibits. In addition to exciting technical symposia, tutorials, industry panels and exhibitions, we solicit proposals for half-day workshops, to be held on ?? November 2024.
The aim of the workshops is to emphasize emerging topics that are not specifically covered in the main symposia. Each workshop may include a mix of regular papers, keynotes and panels that encourage the participation of attendees in active discussion.
Proposal Submission Guidelines
The proposal should concisely and clearly describe the content in maximum of 5 pages and objectives of the workshop and must include:
- Title of the workshop.
- Description of the technical issues covered, emphasizing the timeliness of the proposed workshop topics not covered or specifically addressed by the main conference symposia (1 page maximum).
- Workshop Organizers (names, affiliation and contact information).
- A short biography of the organizers (up to 200 words), highlighting any conferences/workshops chaired.
- Names of potential participants, such as program committee members and invited speakers. We consider it a strong advantage if there is an indication that speakers have accepted to participate.
- Planned format of the workshop, including tentative schedule.
- Unique, creative and novel workshop formats are strongly encouraged and will be given particular consideration.
- Draft Call for Papers (max 1 page).
- A description of the publicity and promotion plan.
- The workshop potential website address (if available at the time of the proposal). This website will be required later if the workshop proposal is accepted.
- If appropriate, a description of past versions of the workshop, including number of submitted and accepted papers, number of attendees, etc.
Workshop proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file via email to with a title template Workshop Proposal – [Topic] – [Author Name], [Organization] . Proposals that address exciting topics in creative formats that generate lively interactions among participants are highly encouraged. Examples include facilitating multi-disciplinary discussions across academicians, practitioners and policy makers leading to high impact and transformative research.
Important Dates:
Please note that all dates are still under discussion and may change in the future.
Workshop submission deadline: 11 May 2025
Workshop acceptance notification: 18 May 2025
Call for WS paper for webposting: 25 May 2025
WS paper submission deadline: 30 June 2025
WS paper acceptance: 13 July 2025
Camera ready submission: 01 September 2025