Call for Panel Proposals
A Panel aims at bringing together speakers from industry and academia, encompassing several sectors, to discuss a timely and relevant topic of interest to conference participants. Panels will be held during the conference program, in parallel to other technical sessions, including industry ones.
Preparation Guidelines
Panel proposals should be submitted via email to
The email title should follow this format for clarity: Panel Proposal – [Topic] – [Author Name], [Organization]
The proposal for a Panel should include the following information:
- Proposer’s information (name, affiliation, email address, telephone number).
- Title, Motivation and Background.
- List of 5 questions to be discussed/answered in the panel.
- Names, affiliations, brief bios, and presentation titles of panelists (to the extent already available).
- The proposal may be in .doc/.docx or .pdf format.
Please use the following template for the proposal: Click.
- The Panel should not have more than 4 participants, plus the moderator.
- The organizer is supposed to be the moderator. There should be only 1 moderator.
- The organizer should prepare in advance a few questions on the panel topic and give them in advance to the panelists.
- The panel occupies one session time-slot, i.e., 90 minutes.
- Panels will be held during the conference programme, in parallel to other technical sessions.
- The moderator gives a 10-minute presentation at the beginning of the panel, to introduce the topic.
- Participants should address the questions posed, in a 10-minute presentation with a small number of slides.
- 5G/6G Services, Implementations and Standards
- Big Data and High Performance Computing
- Internet of Things, Smart Cities and Healthcare Systems
- Sustainability and Social responsibility
- Industrial and Medical Robots
- Drone/V2X Applications, Technologies and Challenges
- Tactile Internet
- Digital Twins
- AI and Machine Learning
- Cloud and Fog/Edge Computing, Networking and Storage
- Electronic Commerce Including Blockchain Applications and Supporting Infrastructures
- Security, Digital Privacy and Ethics
- Quantum ICT
Important Dates:
Please note that all dates are still under discussion and may change in the future.
Deadline for Submission of Proposals: 15 June 2025
Notification on Acceptance of Proposals: 13 July 2025
Deadline for Confirmation of All Speakers: 07 September 2025
Deadline for Final Full Information: 14 September 2025